The Countryside Around
Nancy Patton Wilson Nancy Patton Wilson

The Countryside Around

This week brought some visitors. Rick’s high school classmate Dave, who he reconnected with at his 55th in reunion in Boston last year, lives in Puglia, the southeastern tip of Italy with his partner Sue. If you remember, we stayed with them for a few days last October and had a marvelous time swimming in the Adriatic Sea off their boat. Our part of the world is quite a contrast, especially this time of year where temperatures at their home are in the high nineties. They were on their way to Sancerre to stay with a friend who has bought a place in the center of town. The friend happens to be the campaign finance director for Elizabeth Warren. I was intrigued to hear that someone in that position would be wanting to escape to France. Dave and Sue stopped on their way and stayed with us for a couple of nights. Of course we were happy for the opportunity to show them around this part of the world. They were impressed with all the green and definitely grateful for our cloudy and cool weather.

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