Snow and Sun

Still life in frost.

Our wintery days proceed in very predictable ways. The days, with the shortened hours of sunlight, pass quickly. We make a fire, we play Wordle, we do our exercises, I draw or paint, Rick putters on various self-assigned projects, we both read. Such activities don't inspire too many words. The daily stories are mostly of a quiet and contemplative nature.

The front yard in half shade, half sun.

But even as there is little to report, outside the door nature and weather work together to make beautiful images. This week has been very cold with temperatures dipping to -8º. But the sun has also shown it's face consistently. The sky has often been crystal blue and clear.

A greenfinch and a goldfinch forage for food on the front step.

The birds outside our front door search for seeds which fall from the feeder just above. It seems for every single seed a bird takes, three others fall to the ground.

A frosty tangle of plants in the front yard.

The frost highlights the little plants which grow close to the ground. This winter we left our leaves on the ground to mulch the earth below them.

Sun shining through a leafless tree in the front garden.

The sun meets the shade with contrasting effects.

A chickadee is almost invisible among the branches of the lilac tree.

Bare branches make a tangled habitat for the local birds.

One day we brought out one of our chairs so we could take turns having a sunbath.

The sun is actually warm enough to enjoy for a few moments in the morning.

The fish pond froze solid this week.

But the sun is not strong enough to effect the shady spots in the garden.

Wisteria pods frame the front garden.

The barrenness of the landscape is mitigated when the sun illuminates a corner of vegetation.

A few sunflower shells discarded on the frozen leaves.


Winter Dinner


Winter Snapshots