Winter Snapshots

This last week brought some cool weather, some snow and lots of sun. The sky was crystal blue while temperatures barely rose above freezing. It made for some picturesque scenes.

The snow dusted the garden like powdered sugar, leaving some color glowing through.

The mourning doves, fluffing up their feathers to make a coat, huddled in the polonia tree. We huddled by the fire.

Even after the sun had melted most of the snow, in the shade there was still some left, making the lawn look like a field of white wild flowers.

The fish in our pond don't seem to let their iced over habitat keep them from getting their exercise.

The shadows of the bare branches on the front wall caught my attention.

Any while Rick's attention was caught by something out the front door, I caught his profile in the evening sun.

Rick saw this burst of light on the kitchen floor and captured it for me.

Apricot skies bring an end to another day.


Snow and Sun


Through the window