Nancy Patton Wilson Nancy Patton Wilson


This week has been devoted to preparing for a workshop with my very talented artist friend Gail Rieke. She gave 5 workshops in out atelier at the Maison Conti, but this is the first time she will be coming to Moulins. In Montmirail I had a huge studio, with a large table and an extra print room that easily accommodated a crowd. My atelier here is too small, so the garden room will be turned into our workshop. It’s an untested concept! Although the family has used this space at Christmas to do joint projects, and it worked well. The table is quite long, though not too wide. I’m hopeful it can be just as comfortable as the space in Montmirail. Here there is much more of the out of doors to welcome activity.

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A Rainy Week

A Rainy Week

This week we have had lots of rain. I guess the garden plant life enjoys it, as the back garden, which we made from scratch just two years ago, is becoming like a jungle. All the plants we tucked in here and there, without much sense of design, are expanding, blooming and enjoying their moment of glory, as are we. The erigeron, called Santa Barbara Daisy in California, is a weed, which I carefully planted everywhere and it fills in as a most faithful and effulgent ground cover. The Blue Star Creeper between the stones is full and blooming with charming little sky blue flowers.

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May Days

May Days

In northern France, as well as in many other parts of Europe, les Saints de Glace (Frost Saints) are reckoned and respected in mid-May. St. Mamertus, St. Pancras and St. Servatius have feast days May 12-15 and are reputed to bring a sudden cold snap. Gardeners are warned that tender plants, especially tomatoes, should not be planted out of doors until after les Saints de Glace have been on their way—in other words, only after May 15. This year has not followed convention, and cold and rainy weather in April and early May has only now given way to some real warmth and sunshine.

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