Around Home
Nancy Patton Wilson Nancy Patton Wilson

Around Home

We spent this week at home, gardening, sunbathing and in my case, working on my store and other projects in the atelier. Today we have some visitors arriving from Italy who will be exploring this corner of France with us for the next few days.

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Here and There

Here and There

It has been very nice having James in residence. For one thing, we are more inspired to go on outings. Last week we journeyed to Semur-en-Auxois, about 40 minutes southeast. It is one of our favorite nearby locations and is home to our most beloved restaurant. We have not often gone there just to walk the streets and window shop, which we were happy to do with James, who is looking for many different things to fill their house. Semur is a Medieval town encircled by the Armançon River. The town itself has been a monastic center since the ninth century.

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Springtime for Puppies...
Our House, Spring Our House, Spring

Springtime for Puppies...

Last week James and the charming dog Louÿs arrived in Moulins. We went into Paris to pick them up. Daniel will arrive next week to join the rest of his family, meanwhile we've been enjoying the livelier pace around here. The travelers arrived just as the first hints of spring have.

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