Trees and Ocean
Nancy Patton Wilson Nancy Patton Wilson

Trees and Ocean

We are only just back to France after five weeks in the United States. The main purpose of our travel was to celebrate James and Daniel’s wedding and to reconnect with family and friends after being away from our native habitat for such an extended time. We participated in so many wonderful gatherings and enjoyed intimate moments with loved ones.

Today I don’t offer you my personal photos of those moments, but rather some images of the natural beauty of some of the places we found ourselves in. This blog is dedicated to our French adventures and the French landscape. We couldn’t help but compare the American environment with the one we live in here. They are much different, each spectacular in its own way. I noticed that I took quite a few photographs of trees, especially the way the sun highlights the rich greens. I found the California woodlands truly breathtaking. France, for all its many charms, has few virgin forests.

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